Experience and get to know Juist
In harmony with nature
Find all of this on here:
Climate-friendly experiences
Living and vacationing in the National Park
Your vacation begins with a step onto the ferry. Your vacation begins with the first breath of sea air, with the first notes of the Töwerland song, with the first step onto the beach. Juist offers so much. So much nature for you to experience. Such beautiful landscapes that want to be explored by you.
And on Juist there are also some great experiences that are also good for the climate. Well, not directly and immediately good for the climate, but in the long run there is an effect. On Juist, we believe in bringing you closer to the island - explaining what makes the Wadden Sea so special, what animals are scurrying around, what the majestic dunes have to do, why climate change threatens Juist so much. And if you understand the connections, maybe your attitude towards the world will change.
Here you can find all climate-friendly experiences on Juist:
Climate friendly events on Juist

Mudflat walks for the heart
Get to know and love the Wadden Sea
The Wadden Sea: A highlight in these latitudes. A good mudflat hike is simply part of a Juist vacation! Mud between your toes, the cockle on your hand, always on the lookout for a mud snail. On Juist you will experience the Wadden Sea from its unpredictable side. If you know the Wadden Sea, you love it. And wants to protect it.
Juist (Un)Plugged
The sustainability bike tour on Juist
Award-winning enjoyment: The sustainability bike tour on Juist "Juist (Un)Plugged" was awarded the "Prize for Sustainability in Lower Saxony as a Travel Destination" in 2016. And that's saying something! The bike tour is always held in the summer by our sustainability officer, Thomas Vodde. By bike you cycle to the most important stations for sustainability on Juist and you will be shown how Juist has positioned itself in terms of sustainability.
What is that actually, a "climate-friendly experience"?
And what does that mean?
We didn't measure exactly. We'll be honest - we didn't go on a mudflat hike through the national park to find out how harmful the rubber boots you're borrowing were in the making. Instead, we want to give you a nudge in a direction of thinking with our climate-friendly experiences.
Here, we label experiences as climate-friendly that meet at least three of these requirements:
- No harm is done to nature - e.g., no additional paper is caused to hold the event
- A (partial) focus of the event is to better understand and respect plants and animals
- The CO2 emissions caused by this event will be kept as low as possible
- The need for climate protection is addressed