©  (c) Nationalpark-Haus Juist

Mudflat hike

06.04.2022 - 06.11.2025

This small mudflat exploration is a guided tour of the mudflats for everyone from 6 years of age. The event lasts approx. 1.5 hours.

Warm and weatherproof clothing and rubber boots are required in the cold season (October to April). From May to September, depending on how you feel about the temperature, you can also walk barefoot.
If necessary, rubber boots can be borrowed for a fee of €2 per pair.

For more information, please contact the team at the Juist National Park House on telephone number 04935 1595. You can also register on this telephone number or by email (nationalparkhaus@juist.de).


    • For individual guests
    • For Families