©  Lars Wehrmann Frau bei der Morgengymnastik am Strand von Juist in der Sonne

Beach Sports on Juist

Sports on the Beach on Juist

Sports on the beach of Juist

Feelings of happiness come in gusts of wind

What could be better than doing sports on the beach of Juist? Experience the fresh breeze of the North Sea in a holistic sports program. In addition to the classic beach gymnastics on the main beach, a variety of different courses are offered. Whether you prefer holistic Nordic walking, gentle morning gymnastics or a powerful workout, you are guaranteed to find a suitable course here.

The wide range of beach sports on Juist is a benefit of the TöwerCard, which means that if you have paid your guest fee, you can take part in the regular beach sports courses free of charge. In exceptional cases, we may have to charge certain costs, but you will of course be informed in advance.

On Juist the beach sports take place at three different locations:

  • At the Red Rescue Tower No. 2 at the main beach (beach exit TöwerVital).
  • In case of bad weather in the beach sports room in the Haus des Kurgastes
  • At the Loog

Here you can find the whole beach sports offer on Juist:

Beach sports offer

The Juist beach sports team

We are always happy to be there for you.

Standsport Juist
Friesenstraße 18
Tel.: 04935 809 853
E-Mail: strandsport@juist.de

Gymnastik in der Gruppe am Juister Strand beim Strandsport ©  Lars Wehrmann
Joggen an der Wasserkante beim Strandsport auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Beach sports at Juist main beach

In good shape from morning to night.

At the red rescue tower No. 2 begins your sporty time out. In the season we offer a wide program of different courses and workouts:

The morning starts classically with Thalasso gymnastics on the beach (hopefully with beautiful sunshine), then there's a tight program in the morning, afternoon and / or evening as well. Yoga, Pilates, Backfit, DanceFit, Hula Hoop Fitness and many, many more cool classes await you!

So what are you waiting for? Throw on your sports clothes and sweat and laugh together with us at the beach sports on Juist!

Strandsport auf Juist mit Ãœbungen und Training direkt am Meer ©  Lars Wehrmann
Ausdauertraining am Juister Strand mit dem Team des Strandsports ©  Lars Wehrmann

Beach sports in the Loog

Give it a try!

Looga ... no, that's not a typo. You could almost say that Looga is a time-honored tradition, but Looga isn't "ancient" enough for that. You can expect a mix of yoga, Pilates, gymnastics and workouts in the morning at Loog - right on the beach, of course.

But not only that! Other courses are also offered directly at the Loog.

Treffpunkt des Strandsports auf Juist ist der Rote Rettungsturm Nummer 2 am Strand ©  Lars Wehrmann
Joggen an der Wasserkante beim Strandsport auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann
Strandsport auf Juist direkt an der Wasserkante mit einer Gruppe von Gästen ©  Lars Wehrmann

Beach sports in the Haus des Kurgastes

If the weather does not play along ...

The beach sports room on the east side of the Haus des Kurgastes is actually a room that we hope we will rarely have to use, because normally beach sports, as the name suggests, take place on the beach. However, if it rains heavily or storms badly, we try to have the classes held in the Haus des Kurgastes. For this information, please look at our notices on site.

Your free time under the open sky on Juist:

Wettkämpfe und Turniere auf Juist wie hier der Insellauf ©  Lars Wehrmann


Learn about competitions and championships on Juist | Fairplay and Fun | A wide array of different competitions | Volleyball, soccer, tennis ...

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Fahrrad fahren und laufen auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Running and Cycling

✓ Running ✓ Walking ✓ Hiking ✓ Running ✓ Biking ✓ Cycling on the Island of Juist → Experience the nature by bike or by foot!

Learn more
Freizeit auf Juist unter freiem Himmel verbringen ©  Lars Wehrmann

Leisure Outside

Leisure activities and offers on Juist → ✓ Miniature golfing ✓ Trampoline jumping ✓ Geocaching ✓ Boule ✓ Flying a kite ✓ Movie theatre ✓ Churches

Learn more
Wassersport auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Water Sports

Discover the water sports offer on Juist at the North Sea and the Waddensea → ✓ Kite Surfing ✓ Stand-Up-Paddling ✓ Sailing ✓ Surfing

Learn more