©  Lars Wehrmann Nationalpark-Ranger beobachtet Vögel auf dem Wattenmeer am Kalfamer auf Juist

The Migratory Bird Days on Juist

Fascinating: Watching Resting Birds

The migratory bird days 2023

Experience, marvel, learn!

The time has come: October is approaching and with it the migratory bird days. Have you already packed your binoculars and emptied your camera's memory card? Well then, let's go! The Migratory Bird Days on Juist are always a real experience.

The team of the National Park House on Juist plans with great passion many different events during the Migratory Bird Days for all new and old birdwatchers. From guided hikes to great observation sites, to versatile lectures and hands-on workshops, to offers especially for children, everything is included.

Every year, the team of the National Park House comes up with a varied program to make the Migratory Bird Days as diverse as possible for you.

Austernfischer auf Juist im Nest mit Nachwuchs ©  Lars Wehrmann
Möwe fliegt vor blauem Himmel mit ausgestreckten Flügeln auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Program migratory bird days 2023 on Juist

Exciting events await you

Hobby ornithologists and birdwatchers take note: The Migratory Bird Days 2023 on Juist have again a program to offer, which has it in itself! For young and old, for almost professional birdwatchers and for beginners - the Migratory Bird Days have a suitable offer for almost every wish.

Here you can find all events of the Migratory Bird Days 2023 on Juist:

Program Migratory Bird Days

Migratory birds in the Wadden Sea

Small animals big!

Birds you'll see on Juist include, for example:

  • Gulls
  • Terns
  • Waders
  • shelducks

... which you will see especially often at their favorite place, the wide Juist beach.

By the way: They are "waders" and not "wading birds", because these little creatures got their name not from the Wadden Sea, but from their mode of locomotion - wading.

Zwei Gänse mit Nachwuchs auf einer Wiese auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann
Möwe am Juister Strand mit Strandkörben, Promenade und Haus des Kurgastes im Hintergrund ©  Lars Wehrmann

Bird watching on Juist

When is the best time to watch the migrating birds?

Basically all year round, but (depending on weather conditions - because birds like clear, quite windless weather for flying) the busy birds migrate towards their breeding grounds sometimes already in January, but mostly rather in March to May. Back home they usually start in June, but in September and October you will probably see the most migratory birds.

More precisely, on the day of your choice, it is best to get up early, because the bird migration is most intense in the early morning. Then a true spectacle of ducks, geese, gulls and terns awaits you. If you want to watch migrating songbirds, you have to be on your way even earlier, because these little "guys" usually move from place to place during the night.

But you can see the waders all day long. But here again the tides play a major role: When the tide is low, the waders spread out over the mudflats and can only be seen from a great distance. For a good photo you need a camera with the right zoom. But the waders come closer at high tide, because then they gather in large groups on the salt marshes and on the beaches.

On their journey from Greenland to South Africa, the birds like to use the East Frisian Islands as a kind of waymarker, so that on Juist the migrating birds can be seen particularly well.

With all observations and all fascination: Please keep in mind that these animals are easily frightened and should better not be disturbed during the preparations of their journey. Keep an appropriate distance from resting birds and stay on the signposted paths.

Möwe auf dem Boden mit Nachwuchs auf einer grünen Umgebung ©  Lars Wehrmann
Austernfischer am Ostdeich auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

This is how you experience the Wadden Sea World Heritage on Juist:

Nationalpark-Haus auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrman

Nationalpark-Haus Juist

Learn all there is to know about the Nationalpark-Haus Juist! → ✓ Wide offers ✓ Exhibition ✓ Guided tours ✓ Mud flat hikes ✓ Family-friendly events

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Zugvogeltage auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Migratory Bird Days

✓ Migratory Bird Days ✓ Theme: Birds of and in the Waddensea ✓ Many events for the whole family → Learn all there is to know about the migratory bird days on Juist!

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