©  (c) Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) Pascal Skwara
©  (c) Pascal Skwara
©  (c) Pascal Skwara
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) Pascal Skwara
©  (c) Pascal Skwara
©  (c) Pascal Skwara

Strandsport Hauptbad

What could be better than exercising on Juist beach? Experience the fresh breeze of the North Sea in a holistic sports programme. In addition to the classic beach gymnastics on the main bathing beach, a variety of different courses are offered. Whether it's holistic Nordic walking, gentle morning exercises or a powerful workout, everyone will find a suitable course here. And storm or rain are no excuses. That, too, has something "Töwerhaft" about it! In bad weather, the courses take place in the Haus des Kurgastes. 

The evening courses, for which a fee is charged, take place in the Haus des Kurgastes.


    • German
    • English
    • For individual guests
    • Fitness
    • Football/Soccer


Den Strandsport finden Sie zentral am Hauptstrand zwischen dem Strandaufgang TöwerVital und Herrenpad, direkt am roten Rettungsturm Nr.2


Unfortunately, beach sports are not barrier-free.

More information

Strandsport Hauptbad

Strandsport Hauptbad

Strand am roten Rettungsturm 2
26571 Juist

http://www.juist.de/vor-ort/aktiv/strandsport/ +49 4935 809853 strandsport@juist.de


Kurverwaltung Juist

Strandstrasse 5
D-26571 Nordseebad Juist

https://www.juist.de/ 04935 809 800 service@juist.de


Kurverwaltung Juist


Kurverwaltung Juist