Liebster Sonnenaufgangsort: Otto-Leege-Pfad-Aussichtsplattform
Start the day, enjoy the sunrise ... but where is the best place to do that? Well, that's in your eye, of course - in the eye of the beholder. But of course we're bursting with ideas
Juist always looks different. The seasons here have a real, visible impact on nature and life on the island. One of the places where you can experience this change of season is the viewing platform on the Otto Leege path. You can also experience the sunrise here with a simply stunning view.
Liebster Sonnenaufgangsort: Otto-Leege-Pfad-Aussichtsplattform
Liebster Sonnenaufgangsort: Otto-Leege-Pfad-Aussichtsplattform
Otto-Leege-Pfad Aussichtsplattform
26571 Juist
Kurverwaltung Juist
Strandstrasse 5
D-26571 Nordseebad Juist
Kurverwaltung Juist
Kurverwaltung Juist