©  (c) Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) Lars Wehrmann

Art at the Catholic Church of the Holy Guardian Angels

The angel came to Juist in December 2018 and has since had its place in front of the Catholic church, which has borne the name "Zu den Heiligen Schutzengeln" for more than 100 years. The artist Wolfgang Lamché, who just like you is a real Juist fan, had the idea to create a bronze statue in the shape of an angel to protect the island and all the people on it. 

The Juist guardian angel now flies in front of the Catholic church as a welcome from heaven. The stele, on which he stands, is the old altar stone that had previously stood in the church for a long time. 

The Juist primary school children had religious instruction one day, as they do every week, this time they went on a pilgrimage. This time they went on a pilgrimage to the Catholic church. There they noticed the then still new bronze guardian angel hovering in front of the door. What is that, they asked themselves, and put it together like this: It is an angel. How do they know? It has wings, and because it looks like it wants to hug you, it must be a guardian angel. His one hand is open upwards towards heaven and the other open downwards towards the earth. This looks like he is putting a hand on someone's shoulder, the children thought. But one of the boys noticed something else. He thought the hand movements looked like the angel was doing karate. He called out: "The angel knows karate!" And that's how the Juist guardian angel got the unusual name - karate angel.


    • German
    • English
    • Bad weather offers
    • Suitable for pushchairs
    • For individual guests
    • For Families
    • Church
    • Art
    • Point of interest


Die katholische Kirche liegt etwas außerhalb des Ortszentrums an der Dünenstraße 16. Gehen Sie vom Kurplatz in die Wilhelmstraße. Gehen Sie bei der ev. Kirche links und dann sofort rechts in die Mittelstraße. Bei der zweiten Straße links gehen Sie in die Herrenstrand-Straße hinein. Nach ca. 50 Metern finden Sie die katholische Kirche bei der rechts Kurve.


The Catholic church is located just outside the town center at Dünenstraße 16. Walk from Kurplatz into Wilhelmstraße. Turn left at the Protestant church and then immediately right into Mittelstraße. Take the second left into Herrenstrand-Straße. After approx. 50 meters you will find the Catholic church on the right Kurwe. You can easily reach the figure of the guardian angel in front of the Catholic church in a wheelchair;

More information

Art at the Catholic Church of the Holy Guardian Angels

Art at the Catholic Church of the Holy Guardian Angels

Dünenstraße 16
26571 Juist

http://www.katholisch-juist.de/ +49 4935 309 Kath.gem.juist@t-online.de


Kurverwaltung Juist

Strandstrasse 5
D-26571 Nordseebad Juist

https://www.juist.de/ 04935 809 800 service@juist.de


kath. Kirche Juist & Kurverwaltung Juist


kath. Kirche Juist & Kurverwaltung Juist