©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann

ENA Home Juist

The small shop on Damenpfad offers everything to make your home cosy and unique: cuddly blankets and cosy bed linen from various brands, such as GANT, Dahlenburg, Fussenegger or PAD. Stylish accessories by Lambert or exquisite candles and room fragrances by Baobab also round off the diverse range. So, in summary, you could say that at ENA Home Juist you will find everything that makes your home more beautiful, cosier and juisteliger.


    • Mastercard
    • Visa
    • German
    • English
    • Suitable for pushchairs
    • For individual guests
    • For Families


ENA Home finden Sie an der Wilhelmstraße direkt an der Abbiegung zum Damenpfad. Das Geschäft ist ca. 90 Meter in westlicher Richtung vom Kurplatz entfernt.


You will find ENA Home on Wilhelmstraße directly at the turn-off to Damenpfad. The store is about 200 meters to the west of the Kurplatz. The entrance can be reached via a step. Inside, the space for movement is restricted.

More information

Kurverwaltung Juist

Strandstrasse 5
D-26571 Nordseebad Juist

https://www.juist.de/ 04935 809 800 service@juist.de


ENA Home & Kurverwaltung Juist


ENA Home & Kurverwaltung Juist