©  (c) Kurverwaltung Juist
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen


The name of the western part of Töwerland is probably taken from the Frisian word "Bille", which means "buttock". The pronounced round shape of the sandy head of the Bill Juist is good evidence of this.
A walk around the Bill is a wonderful experience, because this is where the North Sea and the Wadden Sea meet. When the water runs out, you experience the Bill reef as a large sand desert in the North Sea. This sight alone is worth the trip. The Bill Juist or Bill Reef consists of several large sandbanks with tideways between them that quickly fill with water at high tide. Be sure to check the high tide times and the weather before going on a hike. At Bill Juist, you may be lucky enough to see seals.

The Bill Reef is located in protection zone 1 (quiet zone) of the national park. Please pay attention to the signs! Entering the bill reef is prohibited. However, you may hike along the water's edge on the north side to the end of the island and back. Allow at least four hours for a hike. A signposted hiking trail leads you around the Bill dunes. As everywhere on the island, dogs must be kept on a leash.

Just before the end of the island is a former farm - the "Domäne Bill". It s a popular destination for excursions, because here you can find delicious homemade specialities such as stews and vegan dishes, with which you can wonderfully fortify yourself after a Bill hike. Particularly legendary is the Stuten, a sweet white bread with sultanas, but which also tastes good with liver sausage or cheese! So a trip to the Bill is also worthwhile from a culinary point of view.


    • German
    • Bad weather offers
    • For groups
    • For individual guests
    • For Families
    • Point of interest
    • Excursion
  • Beach


Die Bill ist ca. 7 km vom Ortskern entfernt. Sie können die Bill zu Fuß am Strand oder über die Billstrasse, Hammerseestraße und den Weg zur Bill zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad erreichen. Es ist auch möglich mit einer Kutschfahrt die Bill zu erreichen. Informieren Sie sich hierzu bei den Fuhrbetrieben.


The Bill is difficult for wheelchair users to reach and also difficult to access, as you have to cross dunes and walk on the beach. Unfortunately, you cannot use the solar beach wheelchair here as the battery power may not be sufficient.

More information

Kurverwaltung Juist

Strandstrasse 5
D-26571 Nordseebad Juist

https://www.juist.de/ 04935 809 800 service@juist.de


Kurverwaltung Juist


Kurverwaltung Juist