©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann

Thalasso path to the pier

This short Thalasso trail starts at the Strandhotel Kurhaus Juist beach exit and leads you along Strandstraße and Bahnhofsstraße, past the Kurplatz, to the harbour. From here you walk past the marina and over the pier to the sea mark and back the same way. If you wish, you can of course also start this path at the Seezeichen.
In total, you will have walked 1,800 metres if you start and end at the Strandhotel Kurhaus beach exit. This Thalasso trail is also barrier-free.
Speed: 3.9 km/h
Duration: 28 Min
Calorie consumption: 130 k/cal
Faster walking
Speed: 5 km/h
Duration: 22 Min.
Calorie consumption: 122 k/cal
Power walking
Speed: 6 km/h
Duration: 18 min.
Calorie consumption: 132 k/cal


    • Suitable for pushchairs
  • Wellness & Thalasso
    • Hiking