©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) mail@larswehrmann.de, Lars Wehrmann
©  (c) Lars Wehrmann

The most beautiful photos of the island

Stage 1: Start at Kurplatz
Like so many things on Juist, this tour also starts at Kurplatz. And why not? After all, the Kurplatz is the heart of the island. If the weather is good, you can enjoy a few rays of sunshine before you set off. From the Kurplatz, walk up Strandstraße towards the beach. And you've already reached your first stop.
Stage 2: Strandlooper figures: Strandstraße up towards the beach
Located between the Hotel Pabst and the beach are four bronze sculptures. These show a person walking into the sea. A perfect photo motif, especially in winter when the figures are creatively dressed. The figures add a good dose of artistry to your accounts.
Stage 3: Viewing platform on the main beach promenade
There we have it, the first sea view of our tour! You can enjoy a wonderful view from the beach promenade viewing platform on the main beach. What more do you need than sand and sea for a wonderful Juist picture? Believe us, your followers will be green with envy. From here, it's down to the beach for you.
Stage 4: Beach exit Strandstraße
When you can feel the sand with your toes (if it's too cold: when you can almost feel the sand through your shoes), you've arrived at your next stop. Take photos of your footprints in the sand, draw creative greetings or take photos of the seagulls. If you look closely enough, Juist beach is a veritable treasure trove of inspiring motifs for your profiles.
Stage 5: The Kurhaus
From the beach, turn around and look at the Strandhotel Kurhaus Juist, which - whether you like the architecture or not - is one of the most photographed Juist sights on Instagram. Take your time and capture the Strandhotel Kurhaus Juist in its position above the village.
Stage 6: Beach chairs
What should not be missing on Juist? Exactly, the beach chairs - colorful and now a real landmark. Photograph the beach chairs from the front, back and sides, capture the details of the struts or wait patiently until a seagull lands on the beach chair. The possibilities for photographing the Juister beach chairs seem endless.
A tip from us:
If there are special, let's say, weather phenomena, your photo motif will be even more beautiful. A rainbow in the picture, a crystal clear and totally still water surface, a wonderful sunrise, the countless colors of the sunset, mysterious fog covering Juist - the options are virtually endless. If you time your photos well, it can look like you've arrived in a magical land.
Stage 7: Dunes
You don't have to go far to get to the next great photo spot. The dune landscape is a big part of Töwerland's charm. The stalks bend and sway in the wind, a seagull pokes its head out of the dunes - your patience will be rewarded with a cool photo.
Stage 8: Red Rescue Tower
If you turn back towards the North Sea at Strandhotel Kurhaus Juist and walk a few meters to the right, you will soon arrive at the Red Rescue Tower. This is not only the venue for beach sports, it is also home to some wonderful photo opportunities.
Stage 9: Viewpoint at the Haus des Kurgastes
And then it's on to the Haus des Kurgastes on one of the highest dunes in Töwerland. At just over 20 m, it may not be the highest in the world, but the view will still inspire you.
Stage 10: Otto-Leege-Pfad Klangschale
And here we are, having arrived at the Otto-Leege-Pfad Gesamtkunstwerk. You can take cool photos of the singing bowl in almost any weather.
Stage 11: Otto Leege Trail Wind Harp
The wind harp is more of a station for videos than photos. If the wind is blowing (which is almost always the case on the North Sea) and you have the wind harp correctly aligned, you can listen to the music. A game with the Juist elements in any case. Try making a video and share the music of the Juist wind with your followers.
Stage 12: Otto-Leege-Tor
The wooden gate at the entrance to the Otto-Leege-Pfad is also worth a visit for various reasons, including the fact that the photos here look incredibly beautiful. Blue sky, the photogenic gate and a great backdrop for your next Juist photo.
Stage 13: Horse-drawn carriages on the airfield road
What are the must-have Juist photos for you? You've already been to the beach, so maybe ... horses? Yes, the Juist horses are probably at the top of your list. Here on Juist, the animals not only pull carriages with passengers inside, but also heavy equipment, the garbage truck, and, and, and. A horse-drawn carriage driving along the airfield road. That's quite a Juist feeling and should not be missing from your profile as a souvenir of your trip.
Another tip from us:
Enjoy a real Juist raisin tart or treat yourself to an original East Frisian tea party. Both are great photo opportunities that are guaranteed to make your followers jealous.
Stage 14: Memmertfeuer
The wild ride continues. The wild ride. Or something like that. When you arrive at the Memmertfeuer, you'll understand why this place is a must on a tour past Juist's most photogenic spots. Take photos as you please. Your snapshots will be best if you climb the Memmertfeuer lighthouse, because from there you have an incredibly beautiful view of the island.
Stage 15: Harbour
A few meters further on, the next stop on this tour awaits you. You can capture the harbor from many angles - e.g. head-on when a ferry arrives, from the pier or from the harbor restaurant. Whichever angle and motif you choose, Juister harbour is much more chic than you might think at first glance.
Stage 16: Seezeichen
The Seezeichen undoubtedly belongs on this list of the most beautiful photo motifs in Töwerland. It may take more than one attempt to capture the impressive and beautiful Seezeichen, which opened in 2008, in a picture, but that's no problem, because Juist isn't an enchanting island for nothing. Take a few photos of the sea sign from different angles and decide in the evening which one has earned its place on your profile. Have you already got the perfect sea sign picture? Great. Nevertheless, you should also climb the Juist landmark par excellence, because the view is not to be sneezed at either.
Stage 17: Crab
Do you already know the crab at the end of the dyke? Not yet? Then it's high time you did. You leave the harbor area again, but before you step through the dyke protection system, turn left onto the paved road. The sign there suggests that there is not much to see apart from the bottle bank and the recycling center, but this is not quite true. Follow the road until you reach the dyke, walk on and you will be rewarded with a great view of the harbor, the navigation mark and the ferry channel. Take a picture of the end of the island and the small, stone crab.


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