©  (c) Lars Wehrmann

Seminar: "Grenzen setzen leicht gemacht" - Laura Knill

06.03.2025 - 09.03.2025

Seminar: "Setting boundaries" - Laura Knill

Set clear boundaries and strengthen your emotional independence: this course is about learning how to implement your own values in everyday life. And also to set boundaries when something doesn't fit. Develop a plan for what to do if your boundaries are crossed. Learn how to recognize your needs and communicate them more clearly. Gain more self-confidence by recognizing your values and priorities. Use this in your dealings with other people.
With practical exercises and techniques, you will consolidate your knowledge, develop your emotional resilience and drive your personal development forward.
The island of Juist helps you to do this: the quiet and relaxing atmosphere gives you the space and time, but also the peace and quiet to analyze your everyday life from a distance and also to adjust to positive changes.
Course leader Laura Knill is something like our island coach, because with a lot of previous experience and even more empathy she accompanies you on your way to clearer boundaries. You can find more information about Laura on her website.

The "Setting boundaries" seminar will take place on Juist at these times:
  • Day 1 / Thursday, 06.03.2025
    • 18:30 - 20:00: Welcome evening

  • Day 2 / Friday, 07.03.2025
    • 09:00 - 11:00: Coaching
    • 14:00 - 16:00: Coaching
  • Day 3 / Saturday, 08.03.2025
    • 09:00 - 11:00: Coaching
    • 14:00 - 16:00: Coaching
    • 18:30 - 19:30 Bonus session Relaxation
  • Day 4 / Sunday, 09.03.2025 
    • 09:00 - 11:00 am: Final coaching

Registration takes place exclusively online at juist.shop/events
Participation fee: 199 €
Minimum number of participants: 4
Maximum number of participants: 15

Winter learning on Juist

Finally time for yourself, for your creativity, your health. Finally learn and try something new. Juist is the perfect place for this. Our small, car-free island is a true haven for creativity and health. The almost untouched nature is enchanting. The dependence on the tides slows you down. No stress, great distance from everyday life: allow Juist, the Töwerland, to enchant you!
In winter, this "breathing time", we proudly present our winter experiences. These are events that bring you closer to the island, that bring you healthier, that bring you closer to your creativity and that are simply fun! Experience our breathing experiences and feel how new perspectives open up within you. You can find all information about our winter experiences at juist.de.


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