©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen
©  (c) Julia Findeisen

Juist Shanty Choir

22.05.2024 - 11.09.2024

Even today, great longing arises in us when we hear them: Shanties - time of the great windjammers, adventure, loneliness, melancholy and happiness.

The Juist Shanty Choir takes you into the world of seafarers and their great feelings. Sail with them far, far away from everyday life. 

The Juist Shanty Choir was founded in 1982. The choir consists of 11 singers and one accordion player.

On 25.05. you can expect a very special spectacle, because the Juister Trachtengruppe will perform together with the shanty choir. Have fun already!


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